CCC Top 100 Question Answer | CCC Top 50 Questions with Answer
Q.1 AEPS होता है
- आधार एनेब्लेड पेमेन्ट सिस्टम (Aadhar Enabled Payment System)
- आधार एनेब्लेड पेमेन्ट सेफ (Aadhar Enabled Payment Safe)
- आधार एनेब्लेड पेमेन्ट सिस्टेमेटिक (Aadhar Enabled Payment Systmetic)
1. आधार एनेब्लेड पेमेन्ट सिस्टम (Aadhar Enabled Payment System)
Q.2 ASP होता है
- Application Service Private (एप्लीकेशन सर्विस प्राइवेट)
- Application Service Privating (एप्लीकेशन सर्विस प्रावेटिंग)
- Application Service Provider (एप्लीकेशन सर्विस प्रोवाइडर)
3.Application Service Provider (एप्लीकेशन सर्विस प्रोवाइडर)
Q.3 BCC होता है
- Blind Carbon Copy (ब्लाइंड कार्बन कॉपी )
- Bind Carbon copy ( बिन्द कार्बन कॉपी )
- None of These ( इनमे से कोई नहीं)
1.Blind Carbon Copy (ब्लाइंड कार्बन कॉपी )
Q.4 HDD होता है
- Hard Desktop Drive (हार्ड डेस्कटॉप ड्राइव)
- Hard Disk Drive (हार्ड स्कटॉप ड्राइव)
- Heavy Disk Drive (हैवी डिस्क ड्राइव)
2.Hard Disk Drive (हार्ड स्कटॉप ड्राइव)
Q.4 GIF होता है
- Graphic Interface formate (ग्राफ़िक इंटरफ़ेस फोरमेट)
- Graphics interchange formate (ग्राफ़िक इंटरचेंज फोरमेट)
- None of These
Graphics interchange formate (ग्राफ़िक इंटरचेंज फोरमेट)
Q.5 GB होता है
- Gigabit (गीगाबिट)
- Gigabyte (गीगाबाइट)
- None of These (इनमे से कोई नहीं)
2.Gigabyte (गीगाबाइट)
Q.6 Gb होता है
- Gigabit (गीगाबिट)
- Gigabyte (गीगाबाइट)
- None of These (इनमे से कोई नहीं)
1.Gigabit (गीगाबिट)
Q.7 FTP होता है
- Floppy Transfer Protocol (फ्लॉपी ट्रान्सफर प्रोटोकॉल)
- Erasable Transfer Protocol (इरेजेबल ट्रान्सफर प्रोटोकॉल)
- None of These ( इनमे से कोई नहीं)
3.File Transfer Protocol (फाइल ट्रान्सफर प्रोटोकॉल)
Q.8 FDDहोता है
- File Disk Drive (फाइल डिस्क ड्राइव)
- Floppy Disk Drive (फ्लॉपी डिस्क ड्राइव)
- None of These ( इनमे से कोई नहीं)
2.Floppy Disk Drive (फ्लॉपी डिस्क ड्राइव)
Q.9 HDD होता है
- Hard Disk Drive (हार्ड डिस्क ड्राइव)
- Heavy Disk Drive (हैवी डिस्क ड्राइव)
- None of These ( इनमे से कोई नहीं)
1.Hard Disk Drive (हार्ड डिस्क ड्राइव)
Q.10 BPS stands for_.
- Bits per second
- Bytes per second
- None of these
1. Bits per second
Q.11 Full form of BCR?
- Bar code reader
- Bar character reader
- None of these
1. Bar code reader
Q.12 ATM stands for_.
- Automated teller machine
- Automatic teller machine
- None of these
1. Automated teller machine
Q.13 B2C stands for_.
- Business to computer
- Business to consumer
- None of them
2. Business to consumer
Q.14 Full form of CAD?
- Computer aided design
- Computer aided document
- None of these
1. Computer aided design
Q.15 CC stands for_.
- Carbon copy
- Copy of calculation
- None of them
1. Carbon copy
Q.16 Full form of DFT is_.
- Digital financial text
- Digitally financial tools
- None of these
2. Digitally financial tools
Q.17 CGI stands for_.
- Common gateway information
- Copy of gateway interface
- None of these
3. None of these
Q.18 CPU stands for_.
- Central processing unit
- Center process unit
- None of them
1. Central processing unit
Q.19 Full form of CRT?
- Cathode ray tube
- Cathode resist tape
- None of these
1. Cathode ray tube
Q.20 Full form of CU?
- Control unix
- Control unit
- None of them
2. Control unit
Q.21 DBMS stands for_.
- Database management system
- Database manageable system
- None of these
1. Database management system
Q.22 Full form of DMA?
- Direct memory access
- Difficulty memory authorization
- None of them
1. Direct memory access
Q.23 Fulll form of DNS?
- Domain numeric system
- Domain name system
- None of these
2. Domain name system
Q.24 DOS stands for?
- Device operating system
- Disk operating system
- None of these
2. Disk operating system
Q.25 Full form of DPI?
- Desk per inch
- Dots per inch
- None of these
2. Dots per inch
Q.26 Full form of DVD-R?
- DVD-Recordable
- DVD-Rearrangable
- None of them
1. DVD-Recordable
Q.27 DVR stands for_.
- Digital video recorder
- Digitally versatile recording
- None of them
1. Digital video recorder
Q.28 EDP stands for_.
- Electronic data processing
- Electrical data process
- None of these
1. Electronic data processing
Q.29 Full form of EDS is_.
- Electronically desktop system
- Electronic data system
- None of them
2. Electronic data system
Q.30 GUI stands for_.
- Graphical user interface
- Graphic user info
- None of them
1. Graphical user interface
Q.31 GIGO stands for?
- Garbage out Garbage in
- Graphic interface graphic output
- None of them
3. None of them
Q.32 HTML full form is_.
- Hypertext markup language
- Hyperlink marking language
- None of them
1. Hypertext markup language
Q.33 HTTP stands for?
- Hypertext transferring page
- Hyperlink transfer page
- None of them
3. None of them
Q.34 IBM stands for?
- International business machines
- Information business management
- None of them
1. International business machines
Q.35 Full form of IIS is_.
- International information system
- Internet information services
- None of them
2. Internet information services
Q.36 IM stands for_.
- Instant messaging
- Information management
- None of these
1. Instant messaging
Q.37 I/O stands for_.
- Information/output
- Informative/output
- None of these
3. None of these
Q.38 Full form of IP?
- Internet protocol
- Information process
- None of them
1. Internet protocol
Q.39 Full form of IPO?
- Internet protocol information
- Input process unit
- None of them
3. None of them
Q.40 IRCTC stands for?
- Indian railway catering and tourism corporation
- Indian railway co-operation and tourist company
- None of them
1. Indian railway catering and tourism corporation
Q.41 Full form of IS is_.
- Internet system
- Information system
- None of them
2. Information system
Q.42 IMPS stands for?
- Immediate payment system
- Instant payment system
- None of them
3. None of them
Q.43 Full form of IOT?
- Information of all things
- Internet of things
- None of them
2. Internet of things
Q.44 ISO stands for?
- International organization for standardization
- Information of system output
- None of these
1. International organization for standardization
Q.45 ISP full form is_.
- Informative system provider
- Internet service provider
- None of these
3. None of these
Q.46 Full form of IT is_.
- Internet technology
- Information technology
- None of these
2. Information technology
Q.47 KB stands for_.
- Kilo bits
- Kilo byte
- None of them
2. Kilo byte
Q.48 KYC stands for?
- Know your customer
- Know your computer
- None of them
1. Know your customer
Q.49 Full form of LAN is_.
- Local area network
- Line area network
- None of these
1. Local area network
Q.50 LCD stands for?
- Liquid customize display
- Liquid crystal display
- None of them
2. Liquid crystal display